By conducting this program to support 350 Vedic Priests and their families in India, we meet our purpose of advancing the education of Vedic Astrology and instructing the public on Vedic Astrology which is useful to individuals and beneficial to everyone in the world. Your donations allow this age old tradition to continue to benefit mankind as a whole as well as individuals.
It is said that karma of the past is returned to us in the present through the motions of the nine grahas or planets. A consultation with a Jyotish Pundit clarifies for us whether the fruit we are reaping is beneficial or harmful. Yagya performances are remedial measures to help produce positive effects and neutralize negative frequencies.
Yagya performances are conducted on your behalf by skilled & highly trained yagya pundits in India as a thank you for your donation. A pundit will recite specific mantras (sounds) on your behalf. The influence will find you wherever you may live. There are different categories of yagyas (see below). The size of any yagya is determined by the number of recitations of the mantras used. The largest size yagya has twice as many repetitions as the half size. The larger the yagya the more benefits will result. Your donation covers the cost of the ingredients of the Yagya including rice, flowers, silk cloth, sandalwood paste, incense, herbs and gives the Pundit & his family some money for his services on your behalf.
I wanted to let you know about the truly remarkable results I have experienced from having my nakshatra yagya! I am totally amazed! It has brought in an extremely powerful positive energy
and I have felt like “clouds have been swept away!” I have even noticed negative traits of my personality disappearing! I feel fantastic! I sense that Pundit Shastri’s suggestion to perform it over the 9 Days of Mother Divine was brilliant,as it brought in Her powerful transformative force. My experience is absolutely beyond any expectation and is utterly Divine, a major Blessing and a turning point. I send my heartfelt gratitude and thanks.
Yes we would like to continue on another monthly yagya for the both of us.
I do believe that the last few yagya’s that were done for us have been very helpful. Six months ago we were practically homeless, depressed and deeply in debt. Today we are buying a condo (with the help of my mom) and doing well with our jobs, making money, etc.. I do not think this is a coincidence. Please convey our gratitude to the Pundit’s and to you as well.
Thank you for this amazing Shani Yagya. This is just what I needed. The result was tremendous harmony within the family. Amazing relationship with my wife and children… like, really good. Business has improved dramatically… I got a phone call for a new contract on the day the Yagya was requested and it has been good ever since!
Planetary Yagyas Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn, Venus, Rahu and Ketu 5 Pundits for 9 Days Donation Requested $265 each
These Yagyas are usually prescribed by Pundit Shastri when he does a chart. There are certain times during a person’s life where their life situation can be greatly helped by these planetary Yagyas. For example, a Moon yagya can give emotional stability, a Saturn Yagya can help with delays and obstacles, a Mars yagya can smooth anger and give courage in a difficult situation.
My yagya experience was very good. Like someone cleared the mental screen with Windex. Razor sharp thinking. Answers to some perennial problems became apparent, action was easy and effortless. Was able to move quite a bit ahead.
Dear Pundit Shastri. I wanted to tell you that my Rahu period of which I was afraid was going to be unpleasant turned out to be pleasant. I know it is because of the Rahu Yagya. Also after having the monthly Yagya for a few months I am a much happier person. I am happier to be alive. I thank God for you and your life and all that you do to help so many people and of course I am very thankful to all the wonderful pundits. Namaste
I am feeling the power of the 9 day by 5 pundit Saturn Yagya.
50% of the pain in my knees and feet has gone away. I feel much physical energy and motivation in my routine. And, much expanded consciousness. Thank you for making this knowledge available to us.
It is a great blessing.
These yagyas are like magic! All my intentions are becoming realities quicker than I can function! It is amazing! I am still not out of the woods but I can see the light. I found a new job…BETTER than my last one!
Gemstone and Yagya Recommendation – $25
Gemstones and Yagyas are very powerful tools to move the course of your life in a more positive direction. Pundit Shastri can evaluate your chart and give gemstone and yagya recommendations just for you. Gemstones are worn for your entire life to uplift your good
karma and increase the support of nature that is coming to you. Please go to
and click on the page “Readings Offered” and you can order the Gemstone and Yagya recommendation
Monthly Yagya Program: 4 Pundits $630 2 Pundits $315 & 1 Pundit $165Monthly Yagya program is a program to contract a yagya pundit to do a yagya for you every day of the month. Each month you can request which yagya you would like to have done for you and/or your family. Pundit Shastri will clarify which yagyas are best for you. All special intention yagyas that normally cost $730 will be done at the monthly yagya price of $625 per month. You can write your own sankalpa or intention for these yagyas. You can specify very specifically what intention you would like.
Click below to donate for a Monthly Yagya with 16 Pundits for $2,500
Click below to donate for a Monthly Yagya with 8 Pundits for $1,260
Click below to donate for a Monthly Yagya with 4 Pundits for $630
Click below to donate for a Monthly Yagya with 2 Pundit for $315
Click below to donate for a Monthly Yagya with 1 Pundit $165
Special Yagyas for Conception, healthy pregnancy, smooth delivery, Namkarana and fortunate children
Recently many people have been experiencing great benefits for themselves and their unborn children through our conception and pregnancy program. This program offers proper muhurtas (auspicious times) for the conception for boy and girl babies, and yagyas for a smooth, safe, healthy and happy pregnancy during each trimester. Also, we offer yagyas for a smooth delivery and for a baby that is happy, fortunate, intelligent, and healthy. These yaygas can be done before the baby’s birth. Yagyas are also available for harmony and happiness in the family after the new baby is born.
After the birth, we offer a quick service for Namkarana and life readings for the child as soon as they are born. Namkarana is the sound or syllable most suited for the child based on the placement of the moon by Nakshatra at the time of birth. This sound helps in the selection of a name for the baby that is most in tune with the frequencies of nature that will support him/her in all aspects of his life.
Yagyas can also be done for the happiness, harmony, fulfillment, and prosperity of the entire family during the pregnancy. See below the testimonials of our program.
In every case, we have found that the mothers who follow this yagya program have beautiful children that are healthy, happy, and intelligent.
Please call Ken at 808-876-1370 to structure a yagya program tailored for your individual needs.
Please tell Pundit Shastri that my daughter had her baby today! The special yagya the pundits were doing for her and baby were very powerful, and she had a very smooth labor and birth….only 10 hours after checking into the hospital. Baby is very beautiful and healthy!
Thank you so much, Ken, for everything. I am so grateful for my daughter’s experience of a smooth and easy labor and birth. You helped to orchestrate that, Ken, and with the blessings of God and the powerful special yagya, she and her baby had the very best birth and birthing experience they could have had. Please send my thanks and love to Pundit Shastri and the pundits who helped (and are helping) us along the way.
Birthday Yagya Donation Requested $165 1 Day Yagya by 11 Pundits
Thank you for your kind birthday wishes Ken. My wife surprised me with this yagya ~ very noticeable subjectively as well as a very pure sweet energy.
Salutations to Pt Shastri and his Pundit team!
Birthday Yagya Donation Requested $735 9 Days by 9 Pundits
This yagya is especially recommended for those who are having their 60th Birthday.
Pundit Shastri indicated that this is a very important Birthday
Click below to make a donation for a Birthday Yagya for 9 Days for $735
Birthday Yagyas are performed on or around one’s birthday. They promote general progress, good health, success & happiness for the coming year. “I had a most blissful Birthday, thanks to the yagya. The bliss came in waves and I felt very good physically as well. At dinner later that evening, I was able to truthfully tell the family that I feel better at 53, than I did at 52!! Wish I could do these yagya constantly.Thanks again”
Nakshatra Yagya 5 Pundits for 9 Days Donation Requested $265 Click below to make a donation for the Nakshatra Yagya

If someone is born in the Nakshatra in Ashwini, Ashlesha, Magha, Jyeshtha, Mool and Revati we find that these Nakshatras do not have a good influence. These Nakshatras always create negativity in the person’s life. If you have a Nakshatra Yagya done only once then it will create harmony and give full support of nature from then on. This Nakshatra Yagya will give a very good influence for your whole life. At the time of the chart reading by Pundit Shastri, he will tell you what Nakshatra you were born under and make the appropriate recommendations. Please contact us if you are not sure if you need this yagya and we will ask Pundit Shastri for you.
Navagraha Yagya – All 9 Planetary Yagyas at one time – 9 Days by 45 Pundits $2,385
Navagraha Yagya – All 9 Planetary Yagyas at one time – 9 Days by 9 Pundits $735
Navagraha Yagya – All 9 Planetary Yagyas at one time – 9 Days by 5 Pundits $265
Nine Days of Mother Divine April & October
A special 9 days yagya during the most auspicious time of the Vedic Calendar. Each person may name the special purpose of their yagya such as removal of obstacles spiritual progress, prosperity, freedom from fear, finding a good spouse…This special yagya may be done for the entire family.
Mother Divine yagya – wow!!! Powerful. I’m already getting results. I wouldn’t miss having these 9 day Mother Divine yagyas for anything. They are the most powerful yagyas I have ever had. I’m very happy and grateful to have this opportunity.
Donation Requested:
Click below to donate for 3 days Mother Divine yagya by 1 pundit $110
Click below to donate for 9 days Mother Divine yagya by 1 pundit $215
Click below to donate for 9 days Mother Divine yagya by 9 pundits $735
Click below to donate for a 3 days Mother Divine yagya by 27 Pundits $735
Click below to donate for a 30 days Mother Divine yagya by 4 Pundits $630
Click below to donate for a 30 days Mother Divine Yagya by 2 Pundits $315
Click below to donate for a 9 days Mother Divine Yagya by 27 Pundits $2,190
Click below to donate for a 30 days Mother Divine Yagya by 8 Pundits $1,260
Anniversary Yagya
An anniversary yagya is a nice gift for yourself or friends. It creates harmony, happiness, prosperity and fulfillment of desires. It is a nice way to begin every married year.
Click below to donate for Anniversary Yagya 9 days by 9 Pundits for $735
Click below to donate for Anniversary Yagya 30 days by 4 Pundits for $630
Click below to donate for Anniversary Yagya 30 days by 2 Pundits $315

Special Intention Yagyas
Yagyas can be performed to create just about any effect which we desire in life. See “Auspicious Dates Calendar” on the Home Page menu for the best days for these yagyas or ask Pundit Shastri to choose an auspicious day for you to start the yagya.
The yagya saved my life, as soon as it started the negative power that was agitating my mind and forcing me to eat so much destroying my health and happiness disappeared and day by day I regain my own nature. I am so thankful to you and dearest Punditji.
Experience reported from a Special Yagya for winning a court case: The Yagyas clearly provided great support of nature – this was a very difficult case – and the outcome even surprised us. The court ruled 100% in our favor. We are deeply appreciative to Pundit Shastri and his spiritual team of Pundits. This is auspicious news on the eve of the 9 days of Mother Divine.
Dear Ken, we had a wonderful result at court. I am so grateful to you and Pt. Shastri and all the pundits. You have brought so much hope and a positive future into our lives. Thank you. Thank you for this yagya for winning a court case
Experience reported from a special Yagya for selling a home: We got full asking price on our home!!!! Yeah! Excellent yagya!
Awesome news. My townhouse is in escrow to a buyer who seems ideal. And it went for over asking ….. And quick! Please know that I am so touched by your support and Pundit Shastri’s encouragement
* Vast amounts of money coming easily without effort
* Good fortune, prosperity and abundance * Improvement of health
* Weight Loss and Perfect Health * Peace of mind
* Happiness
* Enlightenment in Unity Consciousness * Improvement of memory * Conceiving children * Fortunate development of children * Removal of obstacles * Freedom from inner fear * Freedom from bondage * A safe, comfortable journey * Good & peaceful sleep * Domestic & general happiness * Harmony in married life * Finding a suitable life partner * Removal of Domestic worries * Success in business or finding a job * Building, buying, selling a home * Improvement of finances * Success in education & learning * Physical & mental energy * Improvement of eye sight * Good Fortune * Improvement of hearing * Weight gain or loss * Freedom from drug addiction * Winning a court case * Fulfillment of desires * Removal of big trouble * Removal of fear from govt & enemy (favorable settlement of conflict) * Vaastu Yagya-removal of negative effects of bad Vaastu * Upholding evolution in life * Spiritual progress and enlightenment
Thank you for letting me know of special surgery day yagya, everything went very smooth..
Donations Requested:
Special Intention 9 days yagya by 9 pundits $735
Special Intention 11 days yagya by 11 pundits $940
Special Intention 30 days yagya by 4 pundits $630
Special Intention 30 days yagya by 2 pundits $315
I had a Yagya performed for my mother from July 11 to August 11 for liberation, transformation and moksha as she was trapped in some karma containing her in a state of dementia and unrest —- she had been so disruptive in her chaos that there was some concern that the assisted living home would keep her there. During the Yagya she really quieted down and as soon as it ended she began uprising again but then was quiet about 3 days and today she passed away peacefully. Thank you Pundit Shastri for the Yagya and for my mother’s peaceful transition out of chaos and into tranquility
Most Requested Special Intention Yagyas
1. Maha Laxmi – This yagya is for wealth and prosperity.
Click below to donate for Laxmi Yagya for 3 days by 27 Pundits for $735
Click below to donate for Laxmi Yagya for 3 days by 1 Pundit for $110
Click below to donate for Laxmi Yagya for 1 day by 11 Pundits for $215
2. Rudrabhishek – This yagya is for fullness of life, spiritual & material 3. Averting Serious Danger – This yagya is for averting serious danger from enemies. 4. Maha Mrityunjaya – This is called the “King of Yagyas” for its very blissful effects. This yagya is supremely effective in bringing faster recovery from illness and helps in preventing serious illness. It has great healing effects. It is a weapon against disease. It is life giving. It gives courage, strength & protection in daily life. The Maha Mrityunjaya yagya is also done for elders to mitigate physical & emotional problems. It frees the mind from bondage & brings inner peace.
Today the lady who we did the Mahamritunjaya Yagya for smooth and successful surgery got a very happy call from her surgeon reporting that she is cancer free !! All the pathology results came back from things they took out and all is clear. He told her that this is the BEST news he could have given her he said that no chemo and no radiation needed ! We are all so thrilled.
Thank you all so deeply for responding to the call…the yagyas deeply helped her and this outcome to be now a reality.
Monthly Yagya Program: 4 Pundits $630 2 Pundits $315 Monthly Yagya program is a program to contract a yagya pundit to do yagyas for you every day of the month. Each month you can request which yagya you would like to have done for you and/or your family. Pundit Shastri will clarify which yagyas are best for you. All special intention yagyas that normally cost $730 will be done at the adopt a pundit price of $625 per month. You can write your own sankalpa or intention for these yagyas. You can specify very specifically what intention you would like the yagya to be done for.
Click below to donate for a Monthly Yagya with 4 Pundits for $630
Click below to donate for a Monthly Yagya with 2 Pundit for $315
Click below to donate for a Monthly Yagya with 1 Pundit $165
I am finding access to deeper peace, balance and inner strength since the Yagyas began last week. I can always feel then the Pundits begin to chant for me, the energy is so very powerful. I am so grateful for these highly conscious beings to be working with and for me.
Shraddah Yagya-Donation Requested: $1,060 – 13 Days by 2 Pundits
Shraddah Yagya-Donation Requested: $215 – 3 Days by 2 Pundits
The Shraddah Yagya is done for the welfare of deceased family members. It can be organized to be started immediately upon the passing of a loved one or can be done many years later. The Shraddah yagya helps a soul to find its way clearly and safely to the next stage of evolution. It helps to purify the karma of the deceased and regenerate the subtle body after passing. It also helps to bring welfare to the family of those remaining in this world. In a Shraddah Yagya many gifts are given to the Brahmins and to the poor to help purify the karma. These include beds, food, clothing and money. This is why there is greater expense for this yagya.
A special gift of a cow is highly recommended. The effect of offering a cow will bring happiness, good health and great prosperity to the deceased in his/her next lifetime. The cow is donated to the Brahmins and will provide auspicious ingredients for future yagyas thus creating an unending stream of good karma for the deceased.
We also offer the option of doing a Gaya Shraddah Yagya for all of your ancestors. The donation will be the same as a Shraddah Yagya, $1060 for 13 days. This yagya will give full Moksha for all of your ancestors.